House League is a recreational level of baseball for players of all skill levels and experiences. This program allows children to play 1 game a week. Teams will play against other teams within the Caledon Minor Baseball Associations House League division. The focus at this level is to promote sportsmanship, fun, and a greater enjoyment of the game. Regardless of the standings, all teams qualify for playoffs at the end of the season.
As part of the registration fee, players will be assigned to a team will provide a team uniform (Jersey, Pants and Hat). Players are required to provide their own batting helmets, baseball glove, and baseball cleats are recommended (no metal cleats).
House League begins the 2nd week of May and ends last week of August. Champs day September 6th.
Additional information on House League
*All players must register for the year that they were born
Caledon Minor Baseball Assocation
Jays Care Foundation
Bolton Kin