Click on the following links for video and audio tips
Multiple pitching and throwing drills – ProTeach video
The “30/60/90″ and it’s FANTASTIC for reinforcing safe, fluid pitching mechanics.
Use a broomstick to improve pitching mechanics and develop a nasty curveball. (video)
Towel Drill (video)
Strength and Conditioning drills – ProTeach video
Pitching is possibly the most important aspect of the game. It has been argued by many that good pitching will consistently beat good hitting. That is why coaches need to spend a great deal of time and effort in the training and development of a young pitching staff.
Pitching requires athletes to develop in many areas. These include mechanics, strength and conditioning, philosophy, as well as pitching "know how." The following drills and programs in this section are designed to prepare a young pitcher for regular season play.
With players that are just learning to pitch, it is important that, as a coach, you do not overload them with too much information. Ideally, a player should only be given 1 or 2 things to focus on at one time. It is more important that young pitchers develop a consistent delivery through balance and proper mechanics.
Ready Position
Step Back (leg opposite of throwing hand)
Balanced Phase (Gathered Position)
Follow Through
Caledon Minor Baseball Assocation
Jays Care Foundation
Bolton Kin