What division will my child play in the 2025 season?
Early Bird
Ends Feb 28
First Time Player Info
If this is your first time registering a child that has not played baseball with the Caledon Minor Baseball Association you will need to create a profile. This is completed during the initial registration stage.
1. Register & Set up your online Profile
2. Complete Payment online using Visa|Mastercard|Amex|Paypal
Returning Player Info
1. Use your username and password to login(email address & PW used last season with the CMBA to register)
2. Go to Registration History Tab and click the renew buttonnext to your childs name *If you are using a mobile device, please turn landscape*
3. Complete Payment using your Visa|Mastercard|Amex|Paypal
After Registering you may:
*Registrations that are not completed with payment within 5 days will be deleted from the system.*
First Time Registering with Caledon Minor Baseball (Click Here)
Returning Player Registration (Click here to renew your registration)
To be placed on the waiting list you must register online in the same manner as you would have registered for the season, Select the proper division based on your son/daughter's birth year.
You will automatically be placed on the waiting list when you complete your registration. You will not be charged any fee's at this time.
If a spot opens up you will be contacted to process your payment.
Note: Their are NO fees charged when you register for the waiting list.
For assistance or if you have any questions please contact Vicki Kring -
Caledon Minor Baseball Assocation
Jays Care Foundation
Bolton Kin